


Served as Chief of Content (created all marketing materials and other graphics) for a tech company specializing in the development of chatbots and other conversational interfaces. In addition to managing the company’s visual identity, I wrote dialogue scripts for the bots themselves.

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Kink & Poly Aware Chicago Therapists (Lifeworks Psychotherapy)

Designed a logo and developed an online visual identity for a Chicago-based therapy organization focused on providing resources to people in polyamorous relationships and practitioners of kink/BDSM. In crafting the KPACT identity, I utilized gently twisted shapes to (playfully) gesture toward ideas of kinkiness and being “bent.”

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Sex Worker Support Group (Lifeworks Psychotherapy)

Designed logo and flyer for a Chicago-based support group for sex workers. Like KPACT, SWSG is part of the larger organization, Lifeworks Psychotherapy, a group that serves marginalized populations in the Chicago area.

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Designed logo for Carehub, an app designed to help families better connect and keep up with loved ones in assisted living facilities. Here, I strove to evoke a sense of professionalism and trust, while avoiding the medical and/or sterile. The curved shapes are reminiscent of an embrace.

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Timber Journal

After two years in the position of assistant fiction editor, I became the Art and Layout Editor for Timber, a literary arts journal based out of Boulder, Colorado. After redesigning the journal’s logo, I was responsible for developing the magazine’s brand in print and online. In addition to all layout and design for Timber’s fifth issue, I created postcards, posters, and flyers to promote both the journal and events held by the journal’s editorial team.

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Hillary Susz

Promotional materials for singer-songwriter and author Hillary Susz.

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Land Shark

Created album art and promotional materials for musician Ben Rubin’s band, Land Shark, and their debut LP Crosschatter.

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Creative Writing Association/Cultural Events Board,
University of Colorado at Boulder

Designed posters, flyers, and web graphics for on-campus events.

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Creative Writing Reading Series, 2014–2016
University of Colorado at Boulder

Designed, printed, and distributed posters and web graphics for the English Department’s annual reading series.

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